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 // / Magazin / English content - Angol tartalom / Paul Zane Pilzer Biography - Paul Zane Pilzer önéletrajz

Paul Zane Pilzer Biography - Paul Zane Pilzer önéletrajz

Paul Zane Pilzer is a world-renowned economist, a multimillionaire software entrepreneur, an adjunct professor, and the author of seven best-selling books and dozens of scholarly publications.

Pilzer completed Lehigh University in three years and received his MBA from Wharton in 15 months at age 22. He became Citibank's youngest officer at age 22 and its youngest vice president at age 25. At age 24, he was appointed adjunct professor at New York University, where he taught for 21 consecutive years. Over the past 30 years, Pilzer has started and/or taken public, five companies in the areas of software, education and financial services. He is the Founder of Zane Benefits LLC and Extend Benefits LLC, the nation's two leading suppliers of individualized health benefits to corporate America including Wal-Mart's Sam's Club.

He was an appointed economic adviser in two presidential administrations and warned of the impending $200 billion savings and loan crisis years before official Washington was willing to listen—a story that he later shared in Other People's Money (Simon & Schuster) which was critically acclaimed by The New York Times and The Economist magazine.

Pilzer's Unlimited Wealth (Crown) explains how we live in a world of unlimited physical resources because of rapidly advancing technology. After reading Unlimited Wealth, the late Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, said that he was “amazed at Pilzer's business capacity” and his “ability to put it into layman's terms.”

Pilzer's God Wants You to be Rich: The Theology of Economics (Simon & Schuster) explains how the foundation of our economic system is based on our Judeo-Christian heritage—this New York Times business best-seller was featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal and on television shows ranging from 60 Minutes to First Person with Maria Shriver.

In The New Wellness Revolution (Wiley) Pilzer identifies the newly emerging wellness business—for this book he received an Honorary Doctorate in Public Service and was called a “wellness guru” by The New York Times.

The Next Millionaires (Momentum Media) explains why the number of U.S. millionaires doubled in the 1990s, how the economy is now creating one million millionaires a year from 2006-2016, and how ordinary people can become one of them.

The New Health Insurance Solution (Wiley) sets forth a bold new direction for U.S. health insurance and explains how individuals can now get affordable health insurance independent of their employer. This book also explains how employers can end their health insurance nightmare while still being able to hire great employees by providing the same health benefits for less than half the cost they are paying today.

A former commentator on National Public Radio and CNN, Pilzer has appeared three times on the Larry King Live! television program. He speaks live each year to approximately 200,000 people, and more than 10 million audiotapes of his speeches have been sold. He lives in Utah with his wife and four children where they are all avid snowboarders, mountain bikers, and chess players.




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