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Neways ténylap angolul

Neways - A Better Choice, A Better Life



Neways International was formally established in 1992 in Salem, Utah. Neways attributes its success to its expanded line of quality personal care products, cosmetics, and nutritional supplements, which contain only the safest ingredients. From the beginning, Neways has been concerned about potentially dangerous ingredients used in many consumer products, and has attempted to educate customers about them. Neways strives to maximize your health and beauty while minimizing your exposure to potentially harmful ingredients by combining the best of science and nature.
Neways’ sales force of independent distributors market the products face-to-face with their end customers. Neways distributors not only enjoy the benefits of safe products, they can also earn an income by taking advantage of Neways’ lucrative compensation plan.

Product Lines

Neways helps you maximize your health and beauty while minimizing your exposure to potentially harmful ingredients. With safety and effectiveness in mind, Neways’ experts combine the best of science and nature to formulate our advanced nutritional, personal care, and household products. Nature creates it, science refines it, and Neways delivers it.

  • Health & Wellness – includes nutritional and fitness products
  • Personal Care – includes skin care, hair care, dental care, baby care, and aromatherapy products
  • Household – includes NewBrite household products and pet care products


Neways distributors come from every walk of life. They continue to drive Neways’ constant worldwide growth by sharing information and products with their friends, family, and communities. Without distributors, the company would not enjoy the success it continues to experience. The following are statistics regarding Neways distributors:

  • 35% college graduates, 75% have attended some college
  • Average age range 35-54, 75% Female
  • Presence in every U.S. state, with approximately one million worldwide


Neways employs more than 1,000 people worldwide and currently has offices in 29 countries. Neways employs more than 450 people in Utah, which includes a management team that has years of experience in their various specialties.


Neways is a leader in the network marketing industry both domestically and internationally. Twelve corporate offices facilitate these operations worldwide:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • Russia
  • Singapore
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Time Line

  • 1970s-late 80s Founders formulate, manufacture and sell industrial chemical products, degreasers, lubricants and commercial cleaning compounds to national hotel chains, hospitals and supermarkets.
  • 1987-89 Shocked by the harmful chemicals in personal care products, the founders decide to create
    products without the damaging ingredients. New products were initially shared with family and
    friends. First products were 2nd Chance® Shampoo and Conditioner.
  • 1992 Business operations expand to several regions around the world. Neways is incorporated.
    Nutritional products are added to personal care product line.
  • 1994 Neways Russia opens and catapults growth for the company in Eastern Europe. Neways develops a
    new hybrid compensation plan, making the Neways business opportunity even more lucrative and
    attractive to distributors worldwide.
  • 1997 New, expanded manufacturing and distribution facility is completed in Salem, Utah. Launch of topselling
    Maximol Solutions spurs growth in the United States and around the world.
  • 1998 Neways Japan opens and rapidly becomes one of the top ten network marketing companies in the
    country. Amid a worldwide recession, Neways maintains annual double-digit growth. Neways
    begins Noni research and later becomes the leader in Hawaiian Noni juice.
  • 2002 Neways appoints Michael Cunningham as CEO. Explosive growth in Japan places Neways as the
    country’s third-largest network marketing company.
  • 2003 Neways Germany opens and stimulates immense growth. New corporate headquarters—an 85,000
    square foot landmark—is completed in Springville, Utah. Ground is broken on a state-of-the-art
    manufacturing facility just west of the new headquarters.
  • 2005 Neways appoints Eric Larsen as CEO. Neways awarded two Best of State medals.
    2006 Neways is purchased by Golden Gate Capitol, ushering in a new era. Hong Kong NFR program
    generates excitement.
  • 2007 After years of research and product development, Neways launches Durian Fusion, the first-ever
    liquid supplement featuring durian fruit. NFR program expands to Taiwan.

Moving forward – poised for success

With exciting and innovative personal care, nutritional and cosmetic products supported by an unmatched business opportunity, Neways looks to the future with enthusiasm and a commitment to excel.

2089 Neways Drive, Springville, UT. 84663 • Phone 801.418.2000 • Fax 801.418.2187 •


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